

Cambio de estación ( Ina poesía)

creado por Inasperada

Biopsiateatro-BIG BANG BOOM- El Cabaret de la Vida

Creado por Inasperada
Cartier bresson - Mutineer Bob Dylan By Inasperada

Hard Rain - Bob Dylan

Creado Por Inasperada
No podía imaginar mejor punto y ... para este blog que con vosotros... Gracias a todos

Todo concluye.
Donde concluye lo telescópico comienza lo microscópico.
Un poco de moho es una pléyade de flores.
Una nebulosa es un hormiguero de estrellas...

Feliz firmamento en la tierra.( De Akane )

martes, 22 de enero de 2008

Most of the time, Bob Dylan

Most of the time
She ain't even in my mind,
I wouldn't know her if I saw her
She's that far behind.
Most of the time
I can't even be sure
If she was ever with me
Or if I was with her.

Most of the time
I'm halfway content,
Most of the time
I know exactly where I went,
I don't cheat on myself, I don't run and hide,
Hide from the feelings, that are buried inside,
I don't compromised and I don't pretend,
I don't even care if I ever see her again
Most of the time.

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